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Mongolian Gov't to Provide Allowance to Each House Buyer

Mongolia will provide 1 million Mongolian Tugrik (833 U.S. dollars) allowance to each house buyer, local media reported Thursday.

Citizens who want to buy a house should ask district officials to order them a house under the government's house building program, said Ts.Gankhuu of the Land and Geodesy Authority.

After the application is approved, the Social Welfare Authority and Apartment Finance Coporation will transfer the money directly to construction companies, Gankhuu said.

Citizens who do not want to buy a house that belongs to the government-led house building program can also get the money. In addition, family members can pool their money together to buy a home.

Currently, more than half of Ulan Bator's 1.1 million population live in one-story houses or gers. During the harsh Mongolian winters, smoke and dirt discharged by the gers and one-story houses have caused severe air pollution in the capital city, making it one of the world's most polluted cities.

To reduce the pollution and solve the housing problem, the government launched the 100,000 house-building program in Ulan Bator in 2010.

(www.chinaview.cn 2011-09-02)

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