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Service Fee for Deposit


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Thai) Public Company Limited
Table 3, Service Charges, Penalties related to Deposits, Loans 1/ and Other Service Charges
Effective from July 1, 2024
A.  Service charges related to Deposits Service Charges Remark
1. Account maintenance fee
 - Normal Savings Account/Green Savings Account : for account that is inactive more than 12 consecutive months and average monthly outstanding balance of less than 1,000 Baht 50 Baht / month
 - Hi-Speed Savings Account/Gold Savings Account/Savings Account with Tiered-Rate: for account that is inactive more than 12 consecutive months and average monthly outstanding balance of less than 5,000 Baht 50 Baht / month
- Normal Current  Account : for account that is inactive more than 12 consecutive months and average monthly outstanding balance of less than 1,000 Baht 100 Baht / month
- Super Cheque Current  Account : for account that is inactive more than 12 consecutive months and average monthly outstanding balance of less than 5,000 Baht 100 Baht / month
2. Insuance of new passbook/ deposit receipt
- Issuance of new passbook (for lost) 100 Baht each
- Issuance of new deposit receipt (for lost) 100 Baht each
3. Deposit in / withdrawal from Savings account at : per transaction
- Opening Branch / Other Branches in the same region No charge
- Other Branches in other regions 10 Baht / every 10,000 Baht (Minimum 10 Baht, Maximum 1,000 Baht) plus Transaction fee 20 Baht
4. Deposit in / withdrawal from Fixed account at : per transaction Deposits / withdrawals from Fixed accounts at other branches are allowed for individual customers only.
- Opening Branch / Other Branches in the same region No charge
- Other Branches in other regions 10 Baht / every 10,000 Baht (Minimum 10 Baht, Maximum 1,000 Baht) plus Transaction fee 20 Baht
5. Deposit in current account at : per transaction
- Opening Branch / Other Branches in the same region No charge
- Other Branches in other regions 10 Baht / every 10,000 Baht (Minimum 10 Baht, Maximum 1,000 Baht) plus Transaction fee 20 Baht
6. Deposit by cheque post dated not more than 90 days No charge
7. Withdrawal from Current account by cheque: per cheque
7.1 In case of withdrawal cash or depositing into theaccount at (Not waiting for clearing)
- Opening Branch No charge
- Other Branches in the same region (Maximum  200,000 Baht / Cheque) 10 Baht / every 10,000 Baht (Minimum 20 Baht)
- Other Branches in other regions (Maximum 200,000 Baht / Cheque) 20 Baht / every 10,000 Baht, Minimum 20 Baht, plus Transaction fee 20 Baht
7.2 In case of depositing into the account at (Waiting for same-day clearing)
- Other Branches in the same region No charge
- Other Branches in other regions 0.10% of amount stated on cheque, (Minimum 10  Baht)
8. Cashier cheque (Cashing) or depositing into account at : per cheque
- Branches in the same region No charge
- Branches in other regions 0.20% of cheque's value
9. Non-Resident Baht Account (NRBA) & Non-Resident Baht Account for Securities (NRBS)
9.1 Payment (Debited)
1) Customer Transfer (MT1XX) in favour of account(s) opened with the Bank or other banks
1.1 Book Transfer
-  Charge "BEN/SHA" No charge* *The Bank charges beneficiary 500 Baht flat
-  Charge "OUR" 500 Baht / item
1.2 Other Banks
-  Charge "BEN/SHA" 500 Baht / item
-  Charge "OUR" 1,500 Baht / item
2)  Financial Institution Transfer (MT2XX)
- In favour of account(s) opened with the Bank  500 Baht / item
- In favour of account(s) opened with other banks 1,500 Baht / item
9.2 Receipts (Credited)
- From the resident account opened with other banks 500 Baht / item
- From the non-resident account opened with other banks 100 Baht / item
- From the resident/non-resident account opened with the Bank Waived
9.3 Cheque Deposit 500 Baht / item
9.4 Cheque Collection 1/8%, Minimum 500 Baht / item
9.5 Consultant and Processing Fee 1,000 Baht / item
9.6 Payments requiring additional processing
- Amendments/Cancellations/Unable to execute 500 Baht / item
- Stop drafts/cheques 500 Baht / item
- Investigation due to unable to apply/ beneficiary's claim non-receipt 500 Baht / item
- Surcharge for Investigations
Up to 3 months Waived
Above 3 months 2,000 Baht / item
9.7 Reporting
- Daily account statement via SWIFT MT 950 No charge
- Monthly statement via Mail No charge
- Daily statement via Fax 2,000 Baht / item
- Audit Confirmation 500 Baht / item
9.8 Account Maintenance
For the deposit account with monthly average balance less than 5,000,000 Baht / month 5,000 Baht / month

As of July 1
As of February 29
As of October 7
As of June 20
As of December 1
As of January 27
As of May 15
As of January 14

As of March 29


As of June 1

As of January 1
As of October 1
As of July 1
As of September 5
As of August 15
