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Payroll Service

• Get started with Payroll service
  - Instructions for using Payroll Service
• Download and Install Software to get started
  - .Net Framework Version 3.5
  - ICBC (Thai) Client Encryption (Please contact Relationship Manager of ICBC(Thai))
  - User’s Guide for Download & Installation
  - User’s Guide for using ICBC (Thai) Client Encryption

• Download Excel Template file for Data input,
Please choose the Template file
For ICBC(Thai) recipient accounts
Salary payment in THB
Input the amount in CNY for payment to CNY accounts
Input the amount in THB for payment to CNY accounts

• Download Template file for creating summary of transfer instruction (Electronic Instruction Note),
Please choose the Template file
For ICBC(Thai) recipient accounts
Salary payment in THB
Input the amount in CNY for payment to CNY accounts
Input the amount in THB for payment to CNY accounts

Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Electronics Service of the Bank

• New payroll time service in 3 times;
1. Payroll transaction approve before 06:30 am. the transaction will process on 09:00 am.
2. Payroll transaction approve before 13:00 pm. the transaction will process on 15:00 pm.
3. Payroll transaction approve before 18:30 pm. the transaction will process on 21:00 pm.
Anyway if the transaction approve time after 18:30 pm. the transaction will be process on nextday morning, for the reserve payroll transaction the transaction will be processed on the reserve date morning.
