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Shanghai-listed Firms See Steady Profit Growth In 2017

Firms listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange saw steady profit growth in 2017, the stock exchange said Tuesday.

Total net profit of the 1,417 Shanghai-listed firms which have disclosed their 2017 financial performance by Monday reached about 2.62 trillion yuan (413.7 billion U.S. dollars), up 18.55 percent year on year.

Their total revenue stood at 27.97 trillion yuan, up 14.46 percent year on year.

Listed firms in the real economy continued to grow steadily in revenue and profit, which rose 16.32 percent and 39.8 percent year on year respectively.

Ferrous metal, coal and non-ferrous metal firms became big winners thanks to the country's continuous efforts of cutting overcapacity. Listed firms in the ferrous sector saw total profit surge over 500 percent year on year.

(www.chinaview.cn 2018-05-02)