New Changes in ICBC Personal Internet Banking Logon Interface

Recent changes on Personal Internet Banking logon interface are helping customers to use ICBC online banking services in a much secure fashion and to identify fraudulent websites. Compared to the old procedure, changes are:

¡¡¡¡1.Two logon steps instead of one;
¡¡¡¡2.Add one step to verify the reserved personal information;

New procedure is better in terms of protecting customers from logon websites under the disguise of After you enter the account number and verification code, check if the reserved information returned on the webpage is the same as what you have reserved. If different, you can say this is a fraudulent website. It will help you to quickly identify other bogus websites once you are familiar with the new procedure. Now you can use ICBC Internet Banking with peace of mind.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused from the changes.

New Logon Flow:

Step 1: Enter Registration Card No. /Logon ID and Verification Code

Step 2: On the screen is the verification Information you reserved at ICBC

Step 3: Enter Logon Password, click "Confirm", logon successful Hot line 95588
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