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Agency M&A and Investment Services

I. Description
Agency M&A and investments is a service where ICBC provides agency investment products or services for M&A transaction participants by leveraging its investment banking services, which can be used to directly or indirectly pay M&A transaction and fees, including wealth management and investment or agency sale, and M&A investment instruments, etc.

II. Applicable Targets
1. The acquirers shall open basic or general deposit account with ICBC, operate in a lawful and compliant manner, maintain sound credit record, and don’t have any bad records of credit default or evasion or rejection of banking debts;
2. The applicant’s credit rating shall meet the access requirements of agency M&A and investment;
3. The applicant shall meet the national industrial policies and the industrial credit policies of ICBC, and shall be of highly industry-related or strategic relevance to the target enterprises;
4. The M&A deal shall be lawful and compliant.

III. Requirements
Customers applying for agency M&A and investments shall operate in a lawful and compliant manner and maintain favorable credit records without any bad records such as credit default or evasion and rejection of banking debts.

IV. Charging Standards
Both parties shall sign the restructuring and M&A financial advisory service agreement through negotiations. The financial advisory service will be charged as per agreed standard.

Note: Information herein is for reference only. Please refer to regulations of the Investment Banking Department of ICBC for further details.
