Personal Banking
Personal Finance
Bank Card
Precious Metals
Private Banking
Global Market
Corporate Banking
Corporate Finance
Institutional Banking
Assets Custody Business
Corporate Annuity Service
Investment Banking
About Us
About ICBC
Customer Service
Customer Service
Personal Finance
Personal Loan
Personal Loan for Overseas Study
Personal Loan for Overseas Study
The above is for reference only. Details refer to the rules drawn up by local ICBC branch. To save your time, please call your local ICBC before applying for the service.
Personal Finance
Personal Loan
Personal Housing Provident Fund (Portfolio) Loan
Fund Supervision Business of Second-hand Housing Transaction
Personal Private Car Loan
Personal Pledge Loan
ICBC e-Loan
Personal Student Loan
Personal Online Loan Link
Payment Method and Service
Change and Adjustment to Loan Contract
Personal Entrusted Loan
Personal Home Improvement Loan
Personal Loan for Cultural Spending
Personal Loan for Overseas Study
Investment and Financing
Intelligent Asset Allocation Service
Smart Money planner
"Rollover" Account Services
Personal Insurance
"Forextrading" Personal Foreign Exchange Trading
Open-ended Funds
Defined Fund Investment Plan
Certificate T-Bond
OTC Book-entry Bond
Third Party Depositary
Bank-Securities Account Transfer
B Shares Securities Transfer
"Smart" Defined Fund Investment Plan
Account-based Foreign Exchange
Convenient Banking
Remittance Express
Self-service Bill Payment
Bank-hospital Service
Tuition Payment
Consigned Payment Transfer
Safety Box
Spend on Card
Personal Settlement Account
Personal Jointly Account
Cross-border Financial Services
Service Profile
Service Guide
ICBC Currency Exchange
Buy FX (Personal)
Sell FX (Personal)
Clean Collection
Permit for Carrying Foreign Currenty Outbound
Spot Exchange Settlement
Business Introduction on ICBC Express Portal
Other Personal Cross-border Remittance
Other Personal Cross-border Outward Remittance
Other Personal Cross-border Inward Remittance
Pre-Settlement Remittance
A/C Opening Service
Open Account in ICBC Asia (Hong Kong)
Brief Introduction of ICBC (London) Overseas Witness Account
Singapore Branch Account Opening Witness Business
ICBC (MACAU) Witness Account Business
ICBC (Canada) Account Opening Witness Service (AOWS)
ICBC NZ Account Opening Witness Business
ICBC (USA) NRA Account Opening Witnessed by ICBC China Branches
Personal Credibility Letter
Personal Loan for Overseas Study
Visa Application Service
Personal Foreign Exchange Business Center
Overseas Financial Service
ICBC Macau
Singapore Branch
Seoul Branch
ICBC London
ICBC Canada
ICBC Moscow
Current Deposit
Lump Fixed Deposit
All-in-one Current Account
All-in-one Fixed Account
RMB Installment Fixed Deposit
RMB Annuity Savings Deposit
RMB Renewal & Interest Payment Deposit
RMB Time-Demand Deposit
RMB Education Deposit
Fixed-Current Link
Personal Call Deposit
Petty Account Cancellation
Report Loss and Password Reset
Personal E-banking Business
Personal Internet Banking
Personal Telephone Banking
Personal Mobile Banking
Automatic Teller Machine
ICBC Salary Manager
Service Introduction
Payroll Agency
Service System
Featured Services of ICBC Branches
Star-rated Services for Personal Customers
Personal Consolidated Bonus Point Service
VIP Services