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Personal Call Deposit

☆ Introduction
Personal call deposit refers to the service requiring no agreed deposit terms but setting agreed date to call for withdrawal. Depositors should call on the agreed date, setting the withdrawal date and value before drawing principals and interest based on desposit certficate.

☆ Minimum deposit amount and call terms
1. The minimum deposit amount of RMB Personal Call Deposit account is RMB50,000 (including RMB50,000), The minimum deposit amount of foreign currency Personal Call Deposit account varies in different regions, is approximately RMB RMB50,000.(including RMB50,000)-equivalent value. The principals will be deposited at one time, and can be withdrawn at one time or at multiple times.
2. By call terms, call deposit has two types: one-day call and seven-day call. The call term of foreign currency call deposit is seven days.

☆ Features
1. High profits, flexible funds withdraws. Customers can not only get the interest rates higher than current deposits, but also withdraw deposit at anytime.
2. Specific accumulated-interest deposit program. Customers can conduct automatic roll-deposit on the principals and interests of call deposits by taking either the shortest seven-day (seven-day call deposit) or one-day (one-day call deposit) as a period, they can also customize the transfer period and deposit term of call deposit accounts based on their own requirements. And ICBC also provides the service of re-depositing current deposits into fixed deposits automatically. The customers can set the permission to re-deposit principals and interest into fixed deposits automatically when call deposit terms end.

Deposit interest rates
1. The interest will be paid according to the announced relevant interest rates on the withdrawal day and the actual deposit terms; and the interests will be cleared up when the principals are gone.
2. In the following cases, the interest will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits:
(1) If the actual term is less than the set call term, the interest will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits;
(2) If customers withdraw funds without calling the bank ahead of time, the interest of withdrawn part will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits;
(3) If customers have already applied for call deposit to withdraw but still withdraw ahead of or after the set deposit term, the interest of withdrawn part will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits;
(4) If the funds to be withdrawn are less or more than the set deposit amount, the interest of the funds that differ from the set deposit amount will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits;
(5) If the funds to be withdrawn are less than the set minimum withdrawal deposit, the interest will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits;
3. If customers have applied for call deposit to withdraw funds but don't withdraw or cancel the withdrawal during the call period, there will be no interest paid during the call period.
4. If the remaining deposits after partial withdrawal are more than the set minimum deposit amount, customers need to re-fill out call deposits or certificates, the deposit term will start from the day when the call deposit account was opened originally; if the remaining deposits are lower than the set minimum deposit amount, the deposits will cleared out and the interest will be paid according to the announced current deposit interest rate at the day when the accounts are cleared out, or the accounts will be changed to other deposits upon customers' desires.
5. Interest for call deposit shall be debited on each account based on actual-over-365, at the rate quoted on the day of withdrawal and by actual deposit days. No calculation in periods if there is a change in the rate.

☆ Service channel
1. Account opening: banking outlets, Internet Banking, and Telephone Banking.
2. Withdrawal call: banking outlets, Internet Banking, and Telephone Banking.
3. Cash withdrawal: banking outlets.
4. Call Deposit to another type of deposit: banking outlets, Internet banking, and Telephone Banking.
5. Interest-accumulating deposit program: banking outlets.
6. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM.

☆ Operation Guide
1. Account opening: the minimum deposit amount of call deposit is RMB 50,000 (including 50,000) or the foreign currencies that the value is equivalent to RMB 50,000.
2. Withdrawal: the call deposits under Elite Club account cards will be, according to the set withdrawal amount on the call deposit maturity day, automatically transferred into Elite Club account cards, and there is no need for customers to apply for any withdrawal process. The customers with call deposits under the ICBC Money Link Cards, need to go to banking outlets with their valid ID or deposit certificates to apply for withdrawals on the call deposit maturity day. If customers have already applied for call deposit to withdraw but still withdraw ahead of or after the set deposit term, the interest of withdrawn part will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits. If customers have applied for call deposit to withdraw funds but don't withdraw or cancel the withdrawal during the call period, there will be no interest paid during the call period.
3. "Accumulated-interest" deposit program: customers can set the period of call deposit automatic re-deposit, for example, if you set the period of call deposit re-deposit is seven days, then the bank will re-deposit both the principals and interests during this period in a rolling way every seven days. The customers can not only get compound interest revenue, but also call the bank to withdraw the call deposits ahead of the deposit term at any time.
4. Partial withdrawal: if customers partially withdraw call deposits, the amount to be withdrawn need to be morn than the set minimum deposit amount of call deposit (RMB 50,000 (including 50,000) or the foreign currencies that the value is equivalent to RMB 50,000).
5. Withdrawal Ahead of term: if customers withdraw call deposits ahead of set term, the interest of withdrawn part will be paid according to the interest rates of current deposits.

The above is for reference only. Details refer to the rules drawn up by local ICBC branch. To save your time, please call your local ICBC before applying for the service.
Personal Finance