☆ Description Personal Online Loan Link refers to a revolving loan for personal customers who can apply for the loan, make the drawdown and repay through counter or internet channels including internet banking and mobile banking, etc.
☆ Features 1. Extensive uses and convenient application procedures; 2. A wide range of collaterals (pledges); 3. Access to funds anywhere and anytime; 4. Use loan funds in a revolving manner and support borrow and repayment any time.
☆ Application Conditions 1. Chinese citizens (excluding residents in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) with full capacity for civil conduct; 2. Hold valid identity document, certificate of domicile (or certificate of residence) and certificate of martial status (or declaration of single status); 3. Have a good credit record and repayment willingness; 4. Have sound income source and ability to fully repay the principal and interest on schedule; 5. Have clear loan purpose specified in the state laws and regulations and governing provisions. The applicant should commit to prevent the loan from flowing into the securities market and futures market, equity investment and property development in any forms or disallow it to be used for illegal income or any purposes prohibited by the state laws and regulations; 6. Provide legal, valid and reliable collaterals (pledges) recognized by ICBC; 7. Hold the personal settlement account with ICBC; 8. Satisfy other conditions required under the category of loan applied. Among these, the customer that has applied for the maximum housing mortgage guarantee and has remaining guarantee limit can apply for the loan through internet banking, mobile banking and other self-service channels. The customer does not need to provide the materials that have been preserved in ICBC and can submit supplementary materials through internet banking and mobile banking.
☆ Documents Required 1. Identity document, household register certificate and certificate of martial status of the applicant and his spouse; 2. Personal income proof; 3. Loan purpose certificate; 4. Ownership certificate of collaterals (pledges); 5. Other documents or materials required by ICBC.