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Consigned Payment Transfer

☆ Introduction
Consigned Payment Transfer is the service that if you need to make a regular payment (such as regular insurance fees), you may consign ICBC to make the payment transfer automatically.

☆ Features
1. Your payments can be made automatically by signing the agreement to consign ICBC to make the regular payment. It can free you from worrying about forgetting the payment.
2. ICBC Internet bank serves at 24 hours × 7 days for your consigned payment transfer agreement's signing, inquire and cancellation.

☆ Service Channel
Personal Internet Banking and ICBC banking outlet.

☆ Helpful Tips
1. Please sign payment agreement with the payee company to get payment agreement serial number before signing consigned payment transfer agreement with ICBC.
2. You need to register as a customer of Personal Internet Banking before use Consigned Payment transfer by Internet Banking.
3. If the payee company cannot be found in the list of signed companies in ICBC internet banking, the possible reason may be that this company has not signed the internet payment agreement with ICBC. Please apply for the service at ICBC banking outlet for it.

The above is for reference only. Details refer to the rules drawn up by local ICBC branch. To save your time, please call your local ICBC before applying for the service.
Personal Finance