I. Introduction Call deposit is a fixed deposit without any term on the deposit period when clients deposit money through ICBC Personal Internet Banking, Personal Telephone Banking, Mobile Phone Banking (WAP), and multi-media self-service terminals, but should notify the bank in advance of the withdrawal date and amount before withdrawal.
ICBC provides you with functions such as account opening, withdrawal notice or cancellation, Call Deposit withdrawal, etc.
II. Target Client Clients of ICBC E-Banking with the demand for Call Deposit.
III. Features High returns and flexible withdrawal. You can apply the Call Deposit service through ICBC E-Banking, hence taking advantage of both an interest rate higher than current deposit and flexible withdrawal. It is a convenient and flexible means of finance.
IV. Application Condition Clients of ICBC Personal Banking, Personal Telephone Banking, Mobile Phone Banking (WAP) holding Elite Club Card and Money Link Card.
V. Sign up Clients of ICBC Personal Internet Banking and Mobile Phone Banking (WAP) holding Elite Club Card and Money Link Card; clients of ICBC Telephone Banking holding Elite Club Card are directly eligible for the Call Deposit service.
Ⅵ. Service Channel and Time ICBC Personal Internet Banking, Personal Telephone Banking, Mobile Phone Banking (WAP), and multi-media self-service terminals provide you with 7x24 hours of round-the-clock services.
Ⅶ. Interest rate information Interest is accrued by the interest rate listed on the corresponding date and the actual interest bearing period. The interest is cleared with the principal.
Ⅷ. Considerations 1. Initial minimum of RMB Call Deposit is RMB 50,000 (inclusive), options of 7-day or 1-day Call Deposit. Initial minimum of FX Call Deposit is RMB 50,000 (inclusive) or equivalent, options of 7-day Call Deposit. 2. The withdrawal notice can be set for the Call Deposit account opened through Internet Banking or at ICBC business office. 3. Once the withdrawal notice is successfully set, the status of the Call Deposit account will be changed to "Notified". Upon maturity, ICBC System automatically transfers the Call Deposit linked under your Elite Club Card or Money Link Card into the basic account of the card. Withdrawal of Call Deposit under other bank cards has to be completed at ICBC business office where the call deposit is opened. If no withdrawal on the maturity date, the status of the Call Deposit account will be changed to "Void". 4. For partial withdraw of Call Deposit, the amount of withdrawal should be over the initial minimum (RMB 5,000 (inclusive) or foreign currency of equivalent value). 5. In the following occasions, the interest rate of Call Deposit is calculated by current interest rate: (1)If the actual deposit period is shorter than the requirement of Call Deposit, it will be calculated by current interest rate; (2)For withdrawal without notice, the withdrawn part will be calculated by current interest rate; (3)For early or later withdrawal with notice, the withdrawn part will be calculated by current interest rate; (4)If the amount of withdrawal is less or more than the noticed amount, the insufficient or surplus part will be calculated by current interest rate; (5)If the amount of withdrawal is less than the minimum withdrawal amount, it will be calculated by current interest rate. Responsibility Statement: The contents on this page are for reference only. The ultimate power of interpretation is under the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. For part of the contents, notice and specific regulations of local branches shall prevail.