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Wealth Management Services

I. Introduction 
Management wealth service offers a line of financial services catering to clients' special demand for wealth management, such as fix/regular transfer, automatic purchase of RMB wealth management products, etc. Please sign ICBC Wealth Management Service Agreement, and select the individual agreement of different wealth management services such as "Schedule Amount Transfer", "Pre-settled Cyclical Transfer", "T+0 Wealth Management", "Bank Card Repayment Appointment" or "Rollover Account Wealth Management" etc. The available operations also include setting, inquiry, termination, and detail inquiry of all the services of wealth management.

II. Target Client
Clients with the demand of special service of wealth management on Internet Banking, such as "Schedule Amount Transfer"、"Pre-settled Cyclical Transfer"、"T+0 Wealth Management" etc.

III. Features
You can enjoy all the fast and convenient services simply by logging on ICBC Internet Banking to sign the Wealth Management Service Agreement.

IV. Application Condition
1. Clients of ICBC "Banking@Home" Personal Internet Banking;
2. Apply USB Shield or Code Card;
3. Sign up for the function of transfer-outward on Internet Banking.

V. Service Channel and Time
"Banking@Home" Personal Internet Banking provides you with 7x24 hours of round-the-clock services.

Ⅵ. Considerations
1. Wealth Management Serial Number is generated after you sign the Wealth Management Service Agreement. You can input the serial number for inquiring the corresponding services. Or, if you do not input the number, you can inquire all the services of one type of wealth management.
2. You can select the exercising details by the service items, and thus make inquiries about all the wealth management service agreements that you subscribe (including all the services you sign up for through ICBC Internet Banking and at counter). During the valid period of service, you can inquire the historical details of all the trading you designate.

Ⅶ. Definition
1. "Wealth Management Service" is a wealth management self-service agreement providing a series of value-added services such as Pre-settled Cyclical Transfer.
2. Wealth Management Service Setting: you can sign Finance Agreements for series of plans, including Rollover account, T+0 finance plan, etc.
3. Wealth Management Service inquiry / termination: you can inquire all the details of the individual agreements of wealth management service you on Internet Banking or at counter. You can also terminate the effective agreement of wealth management.
4. Exercising Detail Inquiry of Wealth Management Service: inquire all the items of the wealth management you subscribe for, and the historical details of all the trading you designate.

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