☆ Introduction Personal brand new housing loan refers to a loan granted by the lender to the borrower for the purchase of personal brand new housing.
☆ Target The borrowers of personal brand new housing loans should be natural persons with full civil capacity and aged between 18 (inclusive) and 70 (inclusive), with good credit records and strong repayment willingness.
☆ Limit As maximum loan-to-value ratios and limits may differ from place to place, please consult local ICBC outlets for details.
☆ Term The term is up to 30 years, and the sum of the borrower’s age and the loan term should not exceed 75 years.
☆ Minimum interest rate The interest rates on personal first housing loans should not lower than the LPR with corresponding terms, and those on personal second housing loans should not lower than the LPR with corresponding terms plus 60BP.