I. Introduction Fix Assets Support Financing refers to the loans ICBC grants to borrowers to meet their financing requirements during their diversified productions and operations with borrows’ sustained and stable cash flows (such as service fee revenues, rent revenues, and operating revenues, etc.) as the first repayment sources generated from their future operations of their high-quality operating assets that they own and have been completed and already in operations.
II. Target Client Fix assets support financing services are applicable to the enterprise customers with reasonable capital requirements in their productions and operations.\
III. Application Conditions The credit ratings and their owner equity of the fix assets support financing services borrowers need to meet ICBC-specified stipulations; the borrowers need to have fine operating and accounting situations, and have no bad credit records in bank financing activities; and the specific assets the borrowers operating must conform to state stipulations and ICBC’s requirements.
IV. Helpful Tips The areas providing the fix assets support financing services may vary upon the difference between specific fixed assets, please consult local branches for details.