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Credit Payment C2C (Buyer and Seller)

I. Introduction
Credit Payment is a service provided jointly by ICBC and our special cooperative websites to provide buys and seller of e-commerce with services including credit agency, fund transfer, and trading agency. Through the Credit Payment function, you can transact operations such as inquiry of orders generated by the special websites, payment, refund request, and arbitration application.

II. Target Client
Clients who needs ICBC to provide fund depository service during the process of purchase.

III. Features
The special website opens a bail medium account at ICBC. When buyers transact C2C credit payment at the special website, the paid sum is transferred to the medium account instead of going to the sellers directly. During the trade process, ICBC takes the responsibility of fund supervision, and will complete the transfer and settlement of buyer's payment, seller's reception, and buyer's refund according to the trade results submitted by the agency shopping mall or the arbitration results.

IV. Application Condition(Buyer)
1. Clients of "Banking@Home" Personal Internet Banking;
2. Having signed up for USB Shield or Code Card;
3. Having signed up for the E-Commerce function.

V. Service Channel and Time
"Banking@Home" Personal Internet Banking provides you with 7×24 hours of round-the-clock services.

Ⅵ. Considerations
1. For orders of successful pre-payment, if the buyer fails to complete pre-confirmation of payment or arbitration application after the order validity period, ICBC will transfer the payment directly from the medium account to the seller account upon the request of the shopping mall; meanwhile it will send SMS to both the buyer and seller. 
2. You can submit arbitration application for the following orders:
(1)Orders with successful pre-payment, but without pre-conformation of payment and within order validity period.
(2)Orders that the arbitration institution does not agree to refund
3. For the arbitration application you submitted, ICBC will process fund transfer or fund retention based on the results by arbitration institutions;
4. It is not necessary for the seller to have an ICBC account.

Ⅶ. Risks
In order to prevent fishing websites and guarantee your financial security, you are recommended to use the ICBC "Reserved Verification Information" function.

Ⅷ. Definition
1. Order Validity Period: each order of credit payment should set an order validity period. Within the period, the buyer can propose application of product return or application of arbitration.
2. Special Website: the shopping mall platform or payment platform that provide trading services for the buyer and the seller.
3. Buyer: the individual payer.
4. Seller: the individual payee.

Responsibility Statement: The contents on this page are for reference only. The ultimate power of interpretation is under the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. For part of the contents, notice and specific regulations of local branches shall prevail.
