I. Overview Enquiry Service on Bank Acceptance Draft is a service whereby the ICBC Bills Discounting Department and branches apply for enquiry on bank acceptance draft from the acceptance bank as entrusted by the customer and feeds back the result to the customer.
II. Target Customers Small and medium-sized financial institutions for which the enquiry is inconvenient like financial companies and domestic and overseas banks.
III. Features and Advantages i. Wide enquiry range and enquiry types based on ICBC's network all over the country; ii. Authoritative enquiry result based on ICBC fund transfer system linked with the PBoC's inter-bank system; iii. Less human, financial and physical input and management cost of middle and back-office business of bills, enhancing the enquiry efficiency.
V. Required Documents i. Agency Enquiry Agreement signed by both parties; ii. Copy of both sides of bank acceptance draft; iii. Draft list affixed with entrusting party's settlement seal and official seal and list of agents; iv. Other documents required by the ICBC Bills Discounting Department and branches.
Note: The information provided on this page is for reference only. Concrete business shall be subject to the announcement and provisions of the local outlet.